Hello There! I am Anton Durcak


I am 20 years old guy from Slovakia, studying at Via University College in Horsens, Software engineering programe.

Contact me Star LinkedIn Github This is me

Let me introduce myself 👨‍💻

I started learning to code around 5 years ago when I created my first web page. Over time I learned by myself technologies like PHP, Javascript, Vue, Scss, MySQL and I created a lot of web apps using this. I am a quick learner, dedicated, highly organized with attention to detail. I like to work in groups because I know it’s almost impossible to create something meaningful alone. I am also very motivated and passionate. At university, we learned how to use git for group work. We are using Java, .NET, C for programming. Thanks to my studies I learned a lot about design patterns, SCRUM methodology, test cases, object-oriented programming, working with databases, working with team on projects, EFC, Blazor and much more. Besides school, I am curently part of the team called BeCreative which delivered website for client in Czech Republic. Currently we are working on website for client in Denmark.

My projects 💻

Photoguard Social Media

The idea for the project came from the desire to contribute to solving the 17 Global Goals presented by the UN in 2015. One of them, the eleventh goal called "Sustainable cities and communities", forces the inhabitants of both cities and villages to reflect. Photoguard is a distributed system with 3-tier architecture including: Client presentation tier, logic servers tier and data server tier with connection to the database. First tier is written in HTML, CSS, JS and C# using Blazor framework and it is connected to second tier by RESTful API sending and receiving JSON files. Server to host images in the second tier is written in C# using Web API. App logic server is written in C#, but also communicates with third tier using gRPC framework which uses Protocol Buffers. Third tier data server is written in Java and communicates with PostgreSQL database with JDBC. Additionally, system uses Google Maps API.
Click here to see this website on Github.

Photoguard 1
Photoguard 2

Kašperky 440

Kasperky 440 is one page website for apartment booking in the Kašperské hory in Czech Republic. I worked on the website in the group of 5 people from different parts of Europe. The website was built using VUE.js and Tailwind for faster and more convinient styling. For animations we used gsap library. Website uses 2 languages and is currently in version 2.
Click here to see this website on Github.

kasperky 1
kasperky 2

Anima e-commerce

Anima is online shop build with backend language PHP. You can browse, add products to cart and create orders. As admin you can manage or create new products with multiple images. Admin is also able to see and manage orders.
Click here to see this website.

anima 1
anima 2

Challenges 🏔

This game is inspired by flappy bird game. It uses canvas to render new positions for elements. Bird goes down automatically and if you click on screen or press space it will fly up. Your task is simple, don't hit the columns.

This tic tac toe game is build using OOP Javascript. It's a simle game, however if you try to win, I bet you it will be not that eazy. Thanks to minimax algorithm, computer will check every possible turn and outcome and choose best option to not lose.

In this web application I used Vue.js. Vue is javascript framework for building web user interfaces. Application takes API from OpenWeatherMap and displays live data deppending from location user searched for. I also used router and multiple components.

React application which retrieves data from PokedexAPI. I used router and multiple components to display list of pokemons. On the page of pokemon image and basic stats of pokemon is displayed. Web has page and loading features aswell.

In this website I used Javascript and AJAX to pull data from REST Countries API. On the main page there are all countries from API with brief info about them. You can search with input field and filter countries by region. You can click on country to see more detailed page.

Reviews 📑

Tennis Infinity

I was adding a few minor features to this website, such as banners, ranking tables and information about players from external API. If you are interested in tennis, definitelly check them out! This is what they said about me:

"On a recent assignment, I had the pleasure of working with Anton Durcak, and I am really delighted with their work. He continuously went above and above my expectations and have an excellent work ethic. He is well knowledgeable in his field and possesses good technical abilities. He is able to comprehend the project's objectives immediately, and he produced excellent work on schedule. His focus on the small things and capacity for critical thought had a big impact on the project's success. Anton was a fantastic communicator and constantly kept me up to date on the project's status. He was quick to respond to my questions and recommendations, and I felt like a valuable member of the team. I highly recommend Anton for any upcoming projects. He is a gifted individual with a strong commitment to his profession and technical proficiency. He is a real asset to any team, and I hope to have the chance to collaborate with him once more in the future."

Get in touch ✍️

You can contact me through LinkedIn, my personal email, mobile or you can simply fill form on this site. Also, consider looking at my Github where you can find more of my projects and challenges.

LinkedIn Github

📞 Phone: +45 55 20 90 49 | +421 951 167 885

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